Sunday, 7 July 2013

The Underberg Labyrinth Phase 4

 This record is from July 2013 from the time when I completed digging and placing the bricks around the pathways. To my first "Test walk" to see whether everything was completed properly.
To my attempts to get somebody in the Underberg area who has a microlite to either let me know what the Labyrinth looks like from above and hopefully take a photograph on a regular basis now because it has become almost impossible to get decent photographs from ground level. (It will become increasingly difficult as things planted in the 2012/2013 season start to grow).

It will also give me an idea as to which areas need to be addressed with regards weeding planting, grassing etc.

I would also like find somebody to join me in the project.

This project will probably never be finished due to the fact that new ideas will come and be tried as well as the plan to plant organic veggies within it as well. This will change from season to season so it will never become stale.

I am calling the next phase the Phase of Growth and Peace.


A trip today on my own so arrived earliesh. Lots of mist so it took a while. I did arrive at just about 4 and got straight into raking and planting grass. I am taking a chance now because it is still very dry. However I am using as much water as I can when planting the grass.
It was not too cold this morning. Just misty.
After planting what I could I got into digging again. The area is where there were a lot of weeds so it is slow going. I did manage to finish off the bit on my return home.
On returning I also managed to tidy and remove a couple of compost containers and weeded around the largest of the grapes.

I also managed to see the architect who drew the plans for the cottage/mansion as well as the guy with the micro lite. He says he will probably get a chance over the coming weekend to have a look for the Lab as there is a cycle race (or something) in town which he will be photographing so he has an excuse to fly over the village. He says he is familiar with the house next door. Small world.

No pics as of yet but I am very interested to see what it looks like from above. I will keep a space open. Maybe it is also time to put it on Faceybrooks but that all depends on how it looks.

I really look forward to the day when it has rained or snowed and there is moisture again. Then planting will really keep me busy.

We are getting there.


Dig dig dig all I seem to do is.......................... Sounds like some kind of song.

Arrived nice and early today because I wanted to do as much as I could while the "warm" weather lasts.
The plan was to take water and water all of the grassed areas that were under shade cloth. This I managed before getting on the road again and also had time to do more preparing of the next pathways to plant AAAND started pruning some of the smaller trees.

On returning I did more digging after pruning what trees I could. This means I have completed pruning, Apricots, Apples, Olives, Pears, Lemons and a couple of the nuts including the Walnut and Pecans. Just the peaches, Plums and bigger Almond trees to do.

I did see the guy with the micro lite but he never had a chance to photograph the plot over the weekend. I think it is difficult due to the fact that flying over built up areas is illegal. Still, he said there was a possibility this coming weekend.

So, still no pics. I was hoping to have a "sky" view one but that will happen in its time.

I must take my camera next week just so I have a record of where we are now.

Dig dig dig. That is the second verse and I think quite a few more for a while.


A short trip today.
Arrived very early with the intention of completing pruning, watering and planting a little more grass if possible. I also wanted to take the plans for the mansion to a contractor for a quote.

It was very misty this morning so the trip was slower than usual. The mist only lifted about 10km before

It was lovely working weather, not too cold but cool enough for gloves to be worn.
I managed everything I planned so all pruning is now completed. The Peaches and a couple of the plums are getting quite big so hopefully we will see some fruit from them in the Spring.

I also took the plans to a contractor as well as seeing the guy with the micro lite. He still has not been up so hopefully next week.

Damn Google. I keep on losing my weeks writings and then have to re write them again. Or what I can remember anyway.


I was not able to get to Underberg this week on official business so decided to take Shorty and Suzi for a drive.
I wanted to water and plant some grass, place another pole around the perimeter and shape some of the Cancerbush and Catnip plants.
Also the DIG DIG DIG scenario and hopefully a couple of sky pics.

We arrived bright and early with it being a little more chilly today than it has been. I had to stop watering until it had warmed up a little because the water was freezing in the nozzles of the watering cans and would not flow.
To warm up I dug the hole and planted the pole. One more to finish that exercise,. Then we can complete the wiring to support the grapes.
Then to preparing areas where planting of grass was possible, planting and watering.
The shaping of the shrubs did not take too long.

Then I got into digging again. The area where I am now preparing is slow going because of the weeds. I have just remembered their name. DANDELIONS. A really painful weed because their root (it has a tap root) goes down very deep. At most the depth of the fork so digging is very laborious.

By 10 o clock I was needing to go and see the contractor (he was not in) as well as the guy with the micro lite. (he still had had no chance to fly). Maybe soon.

On the road by 10.30 after doing as much and more than I had planned.


Had a Maritzburg trip today and even though I was not too keen on getting up too early, actually managed to and am very glad I did.
There was very little mist and the weather was great for working.
As usual, watering, planting grass and digging were priorities. These I managed to complete before getting on the road again for Maritzburg.
I noticed that one or two Peach trees are sending out little buds. Crazy. This is because we have had a very mild winter this year.

On returning I stopped off at the guy with the micro lites business but he still has not had a chance. Luckily I had remembered my camera so decided to try taking a photo while standing on the back of the truck.

A Lot of Friends this morning
There was time to do a little more digging as well as weeding around some more grapes. I started this task a few weeks ago and do some when I have the energy. Two quadrants are completed with only one grape needing replacing. This is great because quite a few of them I have not seen for over a year due to their being surrounded by weeds.
Out of focus pic. In focus Orb

Just the quadrant near to where the chickens were, left to do. I do not think we will be so lucky there.
Photo from the truck. Still needs to be seen from above

Another lovely day. I left a little earlier than usual because a storm was brewing. I had exposed maize on the back of the truck which I did not want to get wet. (as it happened, I reached home about 5 minutes before it started to rain). Lucky...................


A nice trip today. Was up early and even though there was heavy mist on the way still arrived before 4.30.

Lovely misty Underberg. They had a little rain (apparently snow) on Sunday which you would not have noticed had you not been told. It is so dry that it just disappeared.

As usual, I planted whatever areas where the grass had germinated and did more digging.

On returning I popped in to see  the contractor who has my plans so did not have too much time to do any work at the Lab. However I did get time to open up around more Grapes in the area where the chickens were. Only one plant needs to be replaced so far but in this area they are not doing as well as the other quadrants. The soil is not very nice here.

I was on the road again by 2 so it was a rather lovely day.


Lost another day to Google. This programme will not save every time. Darn...................

Still, it is easy to catch up. There were no pics.
I arrived a little later this morning due to there being some heavy mist on the way.
This must be rather boring now because I am doing much the same thing on every trip.
Prepare, plant and water everything. I wish we would get some moisture in that area.

I did what I could before getting on the road and on returning did a little digging and experimented removing bricks and placing them deeper in the ground. Not too difficult but slow. I have started at the entrance where the grass is longest.

One thing I am pleased to note is that just watering once a week is really helping with germination. I could remove 9m of shade cloth to put over a new area next week.
The Peaches are starting to bud as is one of the Almond trees.

Another lovely trip.


Arrived at 3.30 this morning. It was too hot and I had a hard time sleeping so decided to get an earlier than usual start. It is much too warm for our area at this time of year.
There was no mist on the road so nothing to slow me down.
As usual I had water and seed to plant. Getting into fresh areas for grassing is great. Now you can see a change even though photographing it is quite useless.
I finished planting and watering as well as digging the next stretch. Darn, this is so slow and murder on my hamstrings. Dig one fork, loosen the soil, remove the weeds, put into a container and then the next bit. Still, rather properly now than suffer later.

On returning I had energy enough to dig and bury the bricks around the centre a little deeper. Almost made a blister on my hand.
The first Almond showing signs of life.

Burying bricks a little deeper around the centre. Thyme in the bed with Lemon Verbena and Rosemary.

Oom Sarel Peaches.

I have removed the centre pipe I was using when measuring the pathways

Most of the Peach trees are now flowering so things are slowly becoming more colourful.

There was also time to dig around the last Grape as well as around little Oaky. Decided to remove my centre marker as well. That should not be needed again.

Another lovely trip. But Oh to have somebody to share this part of my "Journey" with.


Oh I am so happy that I do not have to write the last day or two over again.

However this one is short.
I had an urgent trip to PMBurg today but due to it being urgent and my being in the dairy, I could only leave after milking.
I did not have time on the way down to do anything other than leave the water and my implements at the plot.

On returning I had time to dig most of the hole for the last post only to find that I did not have one the right length after all. I need to cut a longer one I have bought for a different purpose.
Then I watered everything. We had rain and a little snow here over the weekend but it never reached Underberg so things are still very dry.
I also had time to do some digging and am rather happy to have completed the area where it was slow going. There are more like this one but at least this section is out of the way.

I needed to milk the cows on my return so could not stay as long as I had hoped. Still, we did do more than expected.

A loverly trip.


Very much like the day above. Leaving after dairy, a little earlier than the day above I arrived in time to be able to dig a "pole" hole before having to get on the road again.
The road was very misty this morning, in the usual places. Franklin, Swartberg and Kingscote. It was also misty after Underberg halfway to Bulwer and then cleared.

On returning I was nice and early so did what I could. Placed the last pole in the circle. Dug another "pole" hole and buried two poles at the entrance. Moved the poles blocking the entrance as well. I want to start working on that part of the project when there is nothing else to do. Today I left my fork behind because I did not expect having so much time. As it turned out I could have done more digging. Next time I actually need to as I was able to lift quite a few areas of shade cloth where the grass had germinated. This I can plant next time. So, watering is still paying off.
The entrance. Poles need to be cut shorter. The idea is still forming in my mind as to how to get it  to be a reality.

The poles in the background are the ones  that complete the circle. Now to complete it with supporting wires etc.
One thing I intended doing and did not get time to was water again. The time caught me up. I wanted to get back home to milk the cows. We have a first calver who is still "learning the ropes."

Still, I did do more than I anticipated.
Another Luverlee trip........................


Just a quick visit today. Due to dairy commitments I could only stay long enough on the way through to water the pathways and on the way back only had time to pick up the empty bottles.
There is more grass germinating so I am needing to maybe go for a trip with "Suzi" to catch up with the DIGGING........ because I am slowly getting behind. There is a holiday next week which I might make use of.
Quite a bit of mist on the road but it was still a lovely trip.


Arrived at 4.30 and by 6.30 had planted grass where it was possible and had watered everything. Also had time to dig a bit. Germination is still going on even though it is drier now than I have ever seen it since starting the Lab.
Most of the fruit trees are in flower. The Apples and Pecans have yet to flower but both are showing signs of life. The Walnut will be last I think. The Pears are just sending out new leaves.

I  then hit the road and on the way back did some more digging. I needed to leave a little early because of my "calf feeding" duty on the farm.

Oh here is a little bit of different news.
If anybody would like to join me on this venture or know more about it they can connect with me at:

I look forward to hearing from you.

PS Some VERY heavy mist this morning but thankfully only for a short stretch.


I had taken a days leave so decided to take the "family" to Underberg.
I wanted to do some work which I do not have time to do on my weekly trips. Work which is time consuming.
I wanted to get a start on the door to the composting area as well as a little digging and planting and drilling holes in poles to put the supporting wires for grapes through..

It was a lovely day and before leaving for home again had almost completed the doorway (forgot my hacksaw and spanner to tighten the bolts.) Had also dug to the end of the pathway I am working on and planted a few of the little succulents I am wanting to plant among the Olive trees. I have no idea what their name is just that I like what they look like.
The entrance looking towards the top plot

The entrance looking over the Lab with the compost entrance in the distance.

I took the gate I want to put at the entrance to see how it will look and am pleased that it should do the trick.

There was also time to place a few more bricks deeper near the centre. This is a very time consuming and back breaking job so will be taking a while.
Of course I need not mention watering everything again. There had been a little "drizzle" since last visit I think because there was approx 2mm of water in the gauge. You would never think so though if you had not known. It definitely did not show on the ground.
No name succulents

The compost entrance behind the pole garden. Oakie getting his leaves as well.

Some weeding was done as well.

Almost all of the fruit trees are budding. Just the Walnut and Apples to start showing signs of life once more.

A rather pleasant day.


Arrived early with not much to  do other than watering and weeding. Still no rain so watering is now really becoming important. Germination is very slow or just not happening on the pathways.
This is all I did today so not much to say.

There had been some heavy mist on the way but only in patches.
I DID get a chance to see the wife of the builder to ask him how far he could build with the funds I have. He was sick so I left the message with his wife.

A rather hot day in the end so I did not do too much on my return from PMBurg.


Arrived at around 4am after a "no mist" trip. The intention, like last week was to weed where the weeds are worst and water the grass.
This morning there was just dust in the rain gauge, it is so dry.
BUT, the Peach trees all have fruit on, there were two areas where grass had germinated and the shade cloth could be removed. SO, we can do some "production" work next visit.

As is the norm now. I weeded where the weeds are worst, watered the grass and on my return weeded a bit around the Olive trees and Bays.
I also had time to complete drilling the holes for the Grape supports in the last of the poles. Now that part of the project can be completed.

I wonder whether we will see any fruit this season. I have already seen Mouse Birds in the vicinity...............

Another hot day so working on my return was not very easy. This is when I weeded a bit around the Pears, Olives and Bays and did the drilling.
Still, it was a rather pleasant day all in all and am pleased with what I did manage to accomplish.


Arrived at my "more or less" usual time of just after 4 with the plan this morning of planting more grass, watering everything and digging more pathway in preparation for the next piece.
The planting window is becoming smaller every week. I learnt last season that I should leave planting from around December to February or March because it is too hot. This means I will be able to spend more time on weeding and doing my best to maintain that part of the "plan."

One thing I noticed is that the first planted Peaches are FULL of Peaches so the birds are going to be well fed. The Plums are also fruiting with the Apples still to bud and the Apricots to go into flower. The Pecans have new leaves and the Pears are looking nice as well.

All was done before getting on the road again and on returning did a little more digging. Not much because of the heat. Still, we have dug enough for the next stretch.

I should have taken my camera but alack alas had forgotten it.

A lovely trip. No mist but boy, there were animals on the road in at least 6 places. This can be dangerous but have learnt on these trips to be very wary and to almost expect to see them at one or two places on the way.

We are getting there. Slowly slowly.


Arrived bright and early this morning. I could not sleep. Strange weather we are having. Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold.
It was not really a nice day for driving today. There was mist rain the whole way to PMBurg.
At the Lab I did more weeding, dug more pathway and started pulling up Dandelions for drying and making coffee. I am told that it makes very nice coffee which might be worth a try.
Also watered everything and planted a couple more succulents.

The Peaches are already being eaten by the birds and they are still very small. Not even bigger than a bottle top.
Before I left I also planted a short strip of pathway. Nice to work when there is a little moisture around.

On returning I stopped off at the contractors work place. We might start building the first stage of the cottage soon. Wont that be nice.
I have let him dump rubble on the plot to be used as back fill when we start the foundation. Was it a good idea????? I thought so at the time but am not too sure now.

I also had time to weed a little in one pathway where the weeds are trying to intrude.

Not a nice drive today. Concentrating the whole way, but am pleased at what we achieved.


Interesting day.
I left late due to a flat battery in the truck which I had to charge first and only arrived just before 6. I did get a chance to do a little digging AAAND there was water in the rain gauge. About 35mm. Now the work really begins and already the weeds are starting to take over.
At LAAAAST some moisture

A Pecan with leaves again

I have found that Dandelions are very edible and the roots make nice coffee. The plots might be a gold mine because they are both covered with these weeds.
The grass is germinating nicely again

Oakie is almost 2m tall now

I did get a chance to weed a little and look for Dandelions with the biggest roots. I also PLANTED some especially for their roots. To think what is the worst weed there is actually so useful.........

Pathways have germinated nicely under the hessian and was able to remove all of the covers. Next time I will have my time taken up planting and digging new areas.
There was a little time on returning from Maritzburg to plant and water a small area in no mans land. I really did not go with the intention of planting anything other than a few more of the succulents.
The first Almond I planted is growing nicely 

The afternoon went by a little too fast for my liking and I really only did a "little of this and a little of that." All weeding but in different areas. Going from one spot to another without actually completing anything. I was looking for Dandelion roots and got by passed with the weeding.

Still, after all it did turn out to be a fruitful day.
Note to self. Dont forget to add the pics.

Lost another day............................


This is the lost day in short.
arrived early. A little mist in the usual places. Nice weather with about 35mm in the rain gauge.

The grass is germinating very nicely now and it will be a regular chore on the program keeping up with this job.
I planted a few more succulents, about 10m of pathway and some weeding.
On returning I did a little brush cutting around the border  of the lab. The dandelions are becoming a bit of a problem and I can see my hands being full with controlling them.
I am now keeping those with decent roots as they make a rather nice organic coffee.


A nice trip today. Arrived at 4am with only a few chores.
1 To plant a few Bulbinella and another type of ground cover amongst the Pear trees as well as a couple more succulents. I must photograph how the first planted are growing. They will look great when they have covered the area where they are growing now.
2 To weed.

The rain gauge had about 1mm in it so the rain has departed again. Nevertheless when looking under pathway shade cloth I saw that the grass had still germinated nicely. Unfortunately I had targeted digging and when I started watering and checking pathways it was too late to plant any grass. I did get a chance to rake level in preparation for returning later.

The Apples have all got leaves, the Walnut is really growing nicely as are most of the other trees. Only the Carobs and Olives are taking a while. A couple of them are starting to shoot from ground level again. I just wish it would rain consistently.

The intention was to brush cut on returning but the planting and weather were against me. A storm came through whilst I was planting the pathways but arrived with a gale force wind which blew most of the moisture away,.
I completed the planting and watering and left a little earlier than planned because it looked like rain on the way home. I had maize on the truck again which I needed to keep as dry as possible. (as it turned out, there was no more rain on the road home). I did almost fall asleep on 6 occasions on the way back. This because the air pressures were all out of whack.

Still we survived and did get quite a bit of weeding done. A problem is that there is a lot of nuts edge growing in areas. I will leave it for a while but it will have to be dug out and the affected areas re planted.
there were no Peaches at all on the trees and none on the ground. I suspect the birds had a feast. The Plums still look good but I guess it is just a matter of time with them as well.


I had my weekly trip to PMBurg on these days but due to a terrible internet connection was unable to put anything down.
They were all very much the same. weeding, planting a little of what I had grown at home, the usual groundcovers. It was basically weeding.

I am rather depressed at the grass all dying but have come to accept that this is the way and grarteful that I have been shown now. I have decided to go for a low growing lawn grass which is available but will experiment with it first to make sure I do not make the same mistake again.

I have also reached the conclusion that I will HAVE to spray the weeds if I am going to maintain the labyrinth in a decent condition. Once again the excuse being that I cannot spend enough time there.


I decided to go for a drive to Underberg and just take Shorty. (got into huge trouble because my "friend" thought I was visiting a new "love.") It was not true of course. I just wanted to go on my own because I needed to see the contractor regarding the cottage as well as hopefully starting to spray.

As above I did the usual weeding and planting thing but this time took some Asparagus and Aloes to replace those that have not survived.
A couple of  Carob and Olive trees have not made it, probably because of the dry winter and because I did not protect them from the cold.
Little succulents growing nicely

Aloes with babies

Bulbinella growing in the "Rose Row."

Walnut Tree with Catnip and Bulbinella.

Another groundcover growing amongst the Pear Trees.
Oh to have the weeds under control. It was wet and overcast this day.

It has been raining nicely in the area now and even though it might have been too wet to spray decided to take a chance. We will see in a week or so whether it worked or not.
I also used the brush cutter around trees and berry plants so I can see them when spraying.

That was a lovely trip and am pleased that we achieved what we did.


A usual PMBurg trip today. A little damp but no heavy rain. Some heavy mist on the road at Kingscote.

Arrived nice and early so I could get ahead with weeding. Now that I have given up planting the pathways I have some time to do extra weeding.
Before getting on the road for Maritzburg I weeded around the Carobs, Olives as well as the Bay trees. It was too wet still to spray so put off that chore until my return. Instead I used the brush cutter around the perimeter of the Lab.

On returning I sprayed the whole of the top plot and a little inside the Lab. Oh, I also dug a bigger bed for some flowers I had planted last season. I had thought they had all died but none had and they are looking good.
I also planted 3 more Aloe sucklings.

I am rather pleased at what was achieved today even though I was suffering from a touch of low blood pressure. It only left after I arrived home and had something decent to eat.

A lovely trip with light rain in places but not any downpours.


Went a day early this week due to the up coming holidays and the need to get enough extra feed for the dairy to get us over the xmas holiday period.
Arrived at my usual time with heavy mist at Kingscote but otherwise light mist and rain until near Underberg. Then it cleared.
There was another 60 or so mm in the gauge and things were growing nicely. Good news is that the spraying is starting to show so maybe this season I might be able to maintain the weeds.
Still a little depressed about all the grass dying off but am thankful that there will be a better way.

This morning I had Aloes, ground covers, succulents, Catnip and a Goji Berry to plant. The Goji was not looking too good so have to hold thumbs that it grows.
After planting and a little weeding it was time to head for Maritzburg.
On returning I had a chance to spray the bottom plot around the Labyrinth as well as the top plot again.

Tried seeing the contractor but he was not at his office so left for home. There was a little rain around but nothing to write home about.

I have found that Google maps have been updated and for the first time the Lab is on satellite. The photo must have been taken in 2012 because I was still working on the last outer path. Looking at it again it has changed a lot since then. Great to see how much space it has taken up in the bottom plot.
The first satellite image of the Labyrinth. You can see a few of the Peach trees top left, some of the Thyme around the centre with Oakie in the middle. Hopefully the next photo will show a small cottage in the top plot. 

Arrived at least 15minutes earlier than usual. Just mist at the usual Kingscote area.
Had quite a bit of planting and therefore digging to do.
Note to myself. When kicking a calf out of frustration make sure you know how strong you are and how strong it is. (I kicked a BIG calf out of frustration because it would not leave me alone and after bathing could hardly walk my foot was so painful. Stupid man.....Now I know why it just looked at me with a funny smile on its face)

Had Rocket, succulents, Bulbina, ground cover (which I want to experiment with) as well as the one I am planting amongst the Pear trees. Also Cancerbush, Catnip and Aloes to plant.

I wanted to spray as well but the grass was not dry enough when it was time to get on the road again for Maritzburg.
On returning I sprayed the outside of the Lab and a little in among the rows. However a storm arrived and it rained quite hard while I was busy so it will  be interesting to see how effective my attempts will be.

I did get a chance to do some weeding as well. A lot of little weeds are germinating in the areas I am now planting. Obviously seed from last seasons "Weed Festival."
I just go in the rows with my home made tiller and dig them in again. Will be good compost eventually.

Below are other pics of the Lab from 2km and then 3km elevation. I think the one above is from 1 km.

From 2km

From 3km the Labyrinth is only just visible. 


It has been ba while since updating due to the fact that I have had restricted internet access. ie NONE.  So I must try and remember what has been going on in Underberg.

I have been going on a more or less regular basis but even though this has been going on there has not been too much activity other than the weeding and having to succumb to spraying out all of the grass as well as the weeds. I now have a plan of planting "Dichondra" in the pathways, if it will grow.

I have a little experiment going on at home to see how invasive it might be and it seems as if it could be a possible solution. It has a runner root but not very deep so should not be too hard to maintain. At least it is nothing like kikuyu which is very invasive. The Dichondra is low growing so mowing will not be a problem.
My plan is to plant "satellite" areas in rows and to extend slowly from these areas. I will leave the grasses for the time being as they should still inhibit the weeds to some extent. They will eventually either be dug in or removed as the time arrives. To be quite honest I am rather looking forward to this new challenge.

Otherwise everything is growing OK. There has been nice rain so I have not had to water for a while.
I think I need to take some pics to remind me how things look. So far I am only managing to maintain the weeds due to the spraying.

The exciting thing to me is that I am able to start with building the MANSION. With the funds I have I will let the contractor go as far as he can and then save up and add, save up and add etc etc. I think that once this starts happening I will need to start a new blog.
See you in Underberg Labyrinth Phase 5 New Beginnings.